Secret Woods Annual Homeowners Meeting
to read the 1999 annual homeowners meeting minutes
The following homeowners were present - Lot
69,71,73,74,75,81,82, 83,85,90,99,101,107,108,114,115,116
The meeting was called to order by Board President Joe Miller
at 7:06 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28,2002.
Miller opened the meeting with a brief prayer and asked
everyone to keep Kathy Godwin in their thoughts. Kathy's
husband, Keith, died following a February motorcycle accident.
Miller announced the appointment of two new board members to
fill the un-expired terms of Bill Champion and Nancy
Wooten. Bill Bortzfield and Byron DeLong are the newest
members of the Secret Woods Home Association Board.
Following the announcement of new board members Joe asked
that each person in attendance introduce himself/herself and
their families.
Miller then thanked Mark Wnuk for keeping track of the
Secret Woods finances and Bill Bortzfield for building the
Secret Woods Website. John and Mary Loving were thanked for the
beautification project (flowers planted) at the front and back
entrances to Secret Woods.
Following introductions of everyone in attendance, an
accounting of yearly expenses was passed around to everyone in
attendance. One resident asked whether each expense was
put out for bid. Miller answered that in some cases
projects are put out for bid. In other cases they are
not. He explained that in some cases it is not cost
effective to take the extra time required in obtaining multiple
Miller then began a discussion on trouble with pool
vandalism. Miller raised the possibility of installing a
security camera at the pool. He noted two palm trees have
been stolen, and several chairs have been broken or stolen. He
also said some portions of the fence have been bent and people
have been leaving trash. Several residents commented they
have noticed area teenagers from outside the neighborhood leaving each other in.
Miller went over proposed pool rules aimed at curbing some
of the problems. He anticipated the board would enact the
new rules. Residents also suggested the following
- Hiring a security guard, which Miller said would
be too expensive.
- Issuing identification badges for residents, which would
be required while at the pool. Miller agreed to look
into the possibility.
The discussion then turned to speeding in the
neighborhood. Miller said he has discussed putting in
speed bumps with the board and checked with the City of
Jacksonville. The biggest obstacles are cost and
Several neighbors mentioned incidents of vandalism.
Resident Nancy Wooten suggested hiring an officer to write
speeding tickets. Miller agreed to look into whether the
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office would set up a speed enforcement
program in the
Miller then turned the discussion to covenant
infractions. He reminded residents that satellite dishes
are not allowed in the front of a home. The discussion
turned to other possible infractions such as house color, sheds,
fences and other matters. Several residents asked
about enforcement of the covenants and by-laws. Miller
said that in some cases the oversights were an
accident. He reminded everyone there is an architectural
review committee which is now active again. He also said
the board does send out infraction letters on such matters as
inadequate lack of lawn maintenance.
Miller also said someone had vandalized the mailbox
lights. He said new lens covers have been ordered by
Board Member Bob Sams.
Several residents also expressed concern about the number of
outsiders fishing in neighborhood lakes. Several
people asked for no trespassing signs to be posted at the
lakes. A show of hands showed the majority of homeowners
attending agreed. The board agreed to look into getting
the signs installed in three of the neighborhood lakes.
Miller then called for a vote on board member Hoyst Pophal,
whose term had expired. Pophal was re-elected by a
majority vote. Tom Bozak also expressed an interest in
joining the board. He was also elected by a majority vote
of those in attendance.
Miller promised that the board would resume the monthly
meetings following the elections.
One resident also suggested starting a monthly newsletter,
that would be published and either mailed or hand delivered to
everyone in the neighborhood. Bortzfield agreed to contact
a resident who might be interested in putting together a
The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Submitted by Board Member Bill Bortzfield on 06/01/02.