Couldn’t Make It To The Annual Meeting? Here’s What You Missed

Dan Flynn is the new Secret Woods board president. Several other new board members were also voted in. 

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Annual & Board Meeting

  1. Kathryn Williams, President opened the meeting with a greeting and called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.
  2. Certify Quorum:
  3. Quorum was established with 36 households present and 35 households having submitted a proxy.
  4. The 2019 Board members were introduced: Lisa DeMascio, Gary Bassett, Velma Milliner, Beth Reiney (Secretary), Sharon Snow (Treasurer), Aaron Ward (Vice-President), Kathryn Williams (President).
  5. The completed 2018-2019 year’s accomplishments were reviewed and those responsible thanked.
  6. Financials: Sharon Snow provided the financial report
    1. The current 2019 budget year-to-date numbers and account balances were reviewed.
    2. The proposed 2020 budget was reviewed (to be approved at the board meeting following the annual meeting). The proposed budget is balanced within a dollar to expected revenues (excluding transfer fees) and is based on expenses from the prior year.
  7. Proposed Projects for the 2020 Fiscal Year
    1. The American flag needs to be replaced (a neighbor, Bob Barrington offered to handle).
    2. Pressure washing the pool deck and parking area.
    3. New fencing and/or repairs to the fence at Tiger Hole and Goodnow Rd.
    4. Possible installation of playground equipment. The insurance would increase $350.00 – $400.00 annually. Some brainstorming is needed on the type and place for installation. Suggestions welcome.
  8. Election of Board Members:
    1. Because Lisa DeMascio and Kathryn Williams will be relocating soon, there are 4 board positions available. Two with full 3 year terms, one 2 year term and one 1 year term. Beth Reiney, Gary Bassett and Velma Milliner continue with their terms.
    2. Dan Flynn, Julie Carter, Jenny Barth and Rebecca Lee were gracious in volunteering for the positions. There was no opposition.
  9. Architectural Review Committee:
    1. Andrew Barker, Sallie Wnuk and Erin Gordon offered to volunteer their time to review and approve neighborhood architectural changes and questions.
    2. A BIG thank you to David Theus, Dave Hargnett and Bob Barrington for their efforts in handling the duties of this committee.
    3. A reminder to all neighbors to review the covenants and restrictions and ensure that any home improvements are submitted for approval.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm
  11. Next Meeting: June 3rd, 2019, 6:30pm, 7405 Secret Woods Dr.

Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting

  1. Board member terms: Dan and Julie: 3 year terms, Jenny: 2 year term and Rebecca: 1 year term
  2. Election of Officers: Dan Flynn – President, Julie Carter – Vice President, Treasurer – Gary Bassett and Secretary – Beth Reiney
  3. Budget approval – The proposed 2020 budget was approved by the board as presented.
  4. Action Items:
    1. Dan, Gary and Sharon to work on transitioning the accounts.
    2. Beth to update SunBiz with the board members and positions.
  5. Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm.
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