Entrance Fence Repair Needed

Some fence repair is needed at the Secret Woods Goodnow entrance. Read the July minutes for the details on this and other neighborhood news.
Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, July 8, 2019

  1. Certify Quorum: 
    1. Board Members: Dan Flynn, Velma Milliner, Jenny Barth (Julie Carter, Gary Bassett by proxy for specific items)
    2. Byron DeLong,  David Theus, Laurie Flynn
  2. Meeting called to order: 6:34pm
  3. Financials: Dan covered Gary’s written financial report in his absence
    1. Everything is on track thus far; Dan is following up on the last of the delinquent HOA dues.
  4. Old Business
    1. Fence Repair – An end point, a new brick column, may not be needed at the Goodnow entrance.  However, the wood portions of the fence along both Goodnow and Tigerhole are wobbly and in need of replacement or repair.  Wrought iron portions in good shape, just a few minor adjustments needed (Dan will handle these). The wood fence discussion is deferred until August.
    2. Playground – Jenny is still researching this with an eye to locating near the tree line.  Clearing and leveling would be needed as well as determining what equipment would be best suited to the limited area.  She is still looking at options.
    3. Pool Leak – Verified the leak is near the 5’6”mark on both sides of the pool; mostly a seeping rather than a large leak.  This will be further addressed at the end of the swim season unless it gets worse.
    4. Pool License – Inspection completed, fees paid and license posted.  (noted by inspector: some black algae spots in shallow end of pool and filters needing to be cleaned; Dan will address with APC).
    5. Bank Account – Change-over has been completed with Jax Federal Credit Union; Dan and Gary both have access.
    6. Facebook- deferred until August.
  5. New Business:
    1. Piner’s Lock & Key – $165.84 requested by Dan to cover repair to gate lock at pool.  Approved with proxies.
    2. Backflow Preventer Test – received letter from JEA requiring annual inspection.  Dan requested funds NTE $150 to complete this by 7/31/19. Approved with proxies.
    3. Pool Light – Dan requested funds NTE $40 to replace one mercury vapor light at the pool.  Approved with proxies.
    4. Signs at Entrances – both signs are in disrepair; Dan is getting estimates on cost to replace both.
    5. New Neighbors – Julie will update status at next meeting.
    6. Pool Repair – Vacuum Pump Line is broken.  APC estimates cost to be $290. No quorum, deferred.
    7. Lot concern from neighbors re: AC unit.  Much discussion; will carry over to next meeting when a quorum is available to address.
  6. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. Violations – several violations noted by neighbors have been addressed via letter; some have already been cleared, others are in progress.  Will continue to monitor the situation(s).
    2. Fine Committee – several lots were discussed; the committee has the lot numbers and will monitor the situation.
    3. Architectural Review Committee – nothing new reported.
    4. Items from Board Members and Guests – some discussion regarding C&Rs with clarification requested regarding what needs permission prior to being implemented.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 7:49pm
  8. Next Meeting: August 5, 2019, 6:30pm at 7405 Secret Woods Drive (Flynn home).
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