Lien Placed On Secret Woods Home Due To Unpaid Dues

A variety of neighborhood business was discussed at the July Secret Woods Board meeting ranging from financials to a proposal to have Secret Woods magnets made.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting
Monday, August 5, 2019

1. Certify Quorum: Board Members: Dan Flynn, Velma Milliner, Jenny Barth, Julie Carter, Gary Bassett, and Rebecca Lee
Others: Byron DeLong, Andrew Barker, Laurie Flynn
2. Meeting called to order: 6:37 pm
3. Minutes from July meeting approved as submitted
4. Financials
a. HOA is in good shape; Gary proposed to increase a maturing CD. Any large expenditure not already allocated in
the budget? Not at this time, but the leak in the pool is possibly more serious than previously noted.
b. Motion to approve increasing the CD to $10,000. Approved.
5. Old Business
a. Fence Repair –Repair/replace wood fencing along both Goodnow and Tigerhole. Estimates will be needed.
b. Playground – Jenny has nothing new at this time.
c. Pool Leak – may be worse than previously noted. Dan will watch it. Repairs if needed at the end of pool season.
d. Facebook – no new requests to join the group. Julie will contact Erin Gordon to clarify details regarding posts.
e. New Neighbors – Julie has visited 3 new neighbors with welcome packages; each completed a form with names,
phone numbers and email. She will do this on a monthly basis going forward and report back to the Board.
f. Piner’s Lock and Key – Bill has been paid. Reminder: to use only brake cleaner inside the lock.
g. Backflow Preventer – Test was completed by Bob’s Backflow. They will send a bill and should file results with JEA.
h. Pool Light – Dan replaced the burned out bulb and submitted a copy of the receipt for reimbursement
i. Signs at Entrances – Dan got estimates from Buchanan and SIgnarama for signs & brackets. He also contacted
Atlantic Powder Coating and got an estimate to duplicate & powder coat current bracket. Requested funding for
the sign and brackets at $375. Motion Approved.
j. Pool Repair – ASP’s estimate to repair the Vacuum Pump Line at $290. Motion approved.
k. AC Unit concern – Board voted to dismiss this item as it is not covered under the CC&R’s.
6. New Business:
a. Bug Out Key – Dan will take care of getting a new key to the company for their service providers to check out.
b. RV at neighbors – Residents contacted Dan; this is a temporary situation for maintenance/preps. Or in case of
storms with potential loss of electricity; approved as such.
c. Mail expense – Reimbursement to David was approved. Dan will send Gary documentation.
d. Pool Status – Dan fixed the auto-fill, replaced a wire support for the Vax Pac. Black algae noted by the Health
Inspector and is now spreading. ASP’s estimate of $175 which requires closing the pool for 24-48 hours due the
chemicals used. Discussion regarding schools beginning soon, so this is a good time to address the issue ASAP.
Dan will schedule with ASP and post signs regarding the pool closure at the mailboxes and the pool.
e. Lien on property – Lien placed in 2017 for lack of dues payment; Dan is pursuing adding another lien.
f. Request Rec’d –paint house same color & new windows – no issue, just maintenance.
g. Additional Items – Dan noted a huge water usage on last month’s bill. He assessed the status of the sprinkler
system. One head has been run over near the main entrance (again). Plan to have the head relocated slightly.
7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
a. Violations – overgrown lawn.
b. Fine Committee – discussion: mbrs not Board approved, litigation potential, Board should decide fines.
c. Architectural Review Committee – Andrew had nothing new to report.
d. Items from Board Members and Guests – Julie discussed an idea to have magnets made with the SW logo, web
address and facebook info. They would be distributed to all homeowners and then to any new neighbors as part
of the Welcome Package. She will get details and costs to bring to the next meeting. Some discussion of speeding
and the possibility of placing additional 20mph signs throughout the neighborhood.
8. Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm
9. Next Meeting: September 9, 2019, 6:30pm at 7405 Secret Woods Drive (Flynn home).

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