Annual Homeowners Meeting Will Be August 10

The annual Secret Woods Homeowners Association meeting will be August 10 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer. 

Additional details about the meeting are available on the private Secret Woods Homeowners Facebook page at this event link.

For the rest of this month’s neighborhood news, read the board minutes:

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – Monday, July 20, 2020 Time: 6:00​  to 7:00 p.m.

Online Meeting via Zoom




  1. Established quorum- Tracy, Dan, Rebecca, Jenny, Velma

Meeting Called to order- 6:02 pm

New Business

  1. Houlihan Territory Irrigation repair zone 2 at the pool and move one head away from the street. Came 7/20 and did great work. $210 and some change was the bill. Motion to authorize $220 to pay the bill- Approved.
  2. Authorization for Debbie’s Accounting for FY19 and FY20. About $700 for the two years. Motion to approve NTE $700 for the past 2 years to have auditing completed. Motion to authorize payment- Approved.
  3. Need to look to replace Dan as president as he has some health issues he needs to focus on and step back. Dan hopes that after the annual meeting new members will join and a new president will be voted. There is one 3 year position open and a 2 year position. Sallie is willing to join the board to take one of the vacant spots. Thanks!
  4. Annual meeting- Southpoint Baptist Church is shut down due to a case of the coronavirus so we are looking for other options. One option is using Tracy’s church.

There is plenty of space to social distance. The cost is $300 to use the space.

Authorized NTE $500 approved at last meeting- this cost is under amount.   The board is responsible for clean up and disinfecting.

  1. Dan has redone the form for the new meeting. Included in the letter is a proxy and a roll call form that includes whether they are attending and if they would like to be considered for a board position. He will put up the drop box at the mailbox to drop the filled out form. Also included is a health form checklist. Sallie suggested having ambassadors on the streets to encourage residents to fill out proxies to make sure the annual meeting has a quorum.

Tracy will send Dan the name of the church and the address and a map to include in the mailout letter.

The letters need to be out by Wednesday 7/22 to meet the 15 day bylaw requirement.  This is a quick turn around. If needed the board has approved to push the annual meeting back one more week to August 17th.

  1. Concerns from guests or board members:
    1. Rebecca brought up concerns with people who are at the pool who don’t live in Secret Woods. She has seen that they have a key to the pool room. Suggested re-keying it. Byron has noticed that the pool room has been unlocked at times.

This usually happens on weekend afternoons.

Tracy brought up the idea of the Quikset lock and keys where they are able to re-key the lock as needed.

Tracy volunteered to purchase the new lock. One idea was to look into a  lock that uses a code that can be reset at board’s discretion. Motion NTE $400- Approved.

  1. There was a question about putting a recycling bin at the mailbox- unfortunately recycling bins can only be picked up at homes so unless someone wants to bring their recycling bin for the week and bring it back to their home for recycling pick up. Any volunteers?
  2. Velma has brought up concerns about lack of social gatherings and connection. Something to think about for next year. She also wanted to have some way to offer appreciation to those board members who work so hard and take care of so many things around the neighborhood.


Motion to adjourn- Approved. Meeting adjourned 6:52 pm.

Quorum- Tracy, Dan, Rebecca, Jenny, Velma

Meeting Called to order- 6:02 pm

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