The idea of installing speed humps in Secret Woods to slow down drivers who are speeding through the neighborhood appears to be gaining some traction, based on the minutes from the November board meeting.
Board Meeting – Monday, November 1, 2021 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
- Certify Quorum-certified: Skip, Sallie, Rebecca, Dan, Rick, and Matt
- Call to Order- Called to order at 6:32
- Approval of Previous Minutes-approved
- Financials
- Report: The JEA bill was unusually high due to an irrigation issue. The sprinkler heads are going to be repaired, and JEA will compensate us when the repairs are complete. A big thanks to Dan for helping keep our neighborhood running! He was reimbursed for repairs completed. Discussion about CD that will mature in August 2022. Bills are roughly $2500.00 a month. Everything is balanced and up to date.
- Old Business
- Sallie -Pool: DOH, CM, ASP update- Sallie called Classic Marcite a week ago. She is still unable to get in contact with the owner of the company. The railing and ladder have been installed, but the rail still needs to be cemented in place. Discussion about not making the final payment to CM until all work is completed satisfactorily and successful inspection from the DOH.
A jet will be capped off at the 4 ft. mark because of a possible leak.
- Dan – Update pool furniture and umbrellas. The 1 umbrella that has been ordered has not come in yet. Motion to order the other 3 umbrellas was approved. They will arrive in 10-12 weeks.
- Speed humps– City Council meeting will be called. Discussion as to whether the humps will change the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. Discussion of trying to pursue a 4-way stop again or hiring an off duty police officer to monitor speed. Please obey the posted speed limit of 20 MPH. Thank you!
- Estimates on tree trimming- No estimates yet, until it is decided specifically which trees need to be trimmed.
- Lawn Service: No other bids have been turned in. Motion granted to approve Look at that Lawn Care pending a copy of license and insurance certificates.
- New Business
- Lights: The breakers keep tripping on the lights around the pool/neighborhood. A new starter kit is needed to get the mercury vapor lights working. It should be around $100 to get an electrician to do the work. Dan to work on this project.
- Sprinkler heads: 2 Sprinkler heads need to be replaced. Skip and Rick to hire someone to replace sprinkler heads and check the system and make any needed repairs. Up to $500.00 approved for repairs and check.
- Ladies restroom: Skip to find someone to replace the wax seal on one of the toilets.
- Luminaries: Saturday, December 18, 2021 with a back up day of Sunday, December 19 in case of rain. Byron to purchase supplies. Thank you, Byron!
- Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
- Violations. Rick and Skip to send letters. Please do not park cars in the grass! Discussion of cars parked in the street for extended periods of time. Letters were placed at the mailbox to remind homeowners to park in their driveways/garages. Please refer to the Covenants and Restrictions if you have any questions.
- Architectural Review Committee:
- Items from Board Members & guests: Discussion about short term rentals in the neighborhood and possibly adding an amendment to the C & R to prevent short term rentals. Will revisit in the New Year.
- Next Meeting
Date: Monday, December 6, 2021 6:30 p.m.
Where : Zoom
- Adjournment- 7:55 p.m.