Would you like to be able to pay your annual dues via smartphone, tablet or computer? The Secret Woods board is looking at the possibility of adding e-payment capability to the existing secretwoods.com website or possibility moving to a website vendor. The board is also looking at how to enforce the recently passed amendment regarding rental homes. Catch up on all the neighborhood news in this month’s board minutes.
Secret Woods Homeowners Association
Board Meeting – Monday, September 11, 2023 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
1. Certify Quorum: Certified. Linda, Rebecca, Skip, Carty, Laurie, and Sandy
2. Call to Order: 6:32 p.m.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
4. Financials
A. Report: Linda sent a financial report to the board. The neighborhood is in good financial
shape. 2 homes have sold in the neighborhood recently. The $800 initiation fee has
been received from one home and should be received from Lot 1 soon. CD 87 that is
worth $5542 is due this month. The bank has a 6-month 6% offer on CDs. Linda would
like to add an extra $5000 to the current CD. Motion to place an additional $5000 from
savings and rollover the previous CD approved. Linda will complete required paperwork
and transactions. Discussion of completed and upcoming projects. The tiles at the pool
were fixed by Classic Marcite for $250. Sod for the island area by the pond will cost from
$300-500. Painting the tables at the pool will cost from $2000-$4000. Luminaria costs
around $150.
5. Old Business:
A. Amendment: How do we regulate this now? Discussion about making a working
committee. Skip will head the committee. He will also go to the four rentals in the
neighborhood and find out who the owners are and keep a record of the information. A
spreadsheet will be made to record the data.
B. HOA Grove: Demo is scheduled for the next board meeting on Monday, October 9,
2023. Bill Bortzfield discussed various ways to utilize the current website. It can take
payments through PayPal or Stripe. There is a convenience fee to use these payment
options of $11.90 per transaction. He warned the board to be wary of a company that
is not open source. Our current WordPress site can move to any provider. The current
website, which has not been updated since 2012, can be revamped. Discussion of how
records and old files would be transferred to another platform. Discussion about how a
new website would help the treasurer with paying bills. The board will email all
questions about HOA Grove to Carty before the next meeting.
C. T Mobile Cell Tower: Update. Susie Cooney left a message with Crown Castle. She
spoke to Tony and he says the tower will be fixed by 4 th quarter of this year or the 1 st
quarter of next year. Thank you, Susie for following up!
D. Tree Trimming at Mailboxes: Update. Skip called JEA tree-trimming. He left a message
and is going to send an email as well. JEA and JEA tree-trimming are going back and
forth about who is responsible for trimming the trees.
E. Pool: Tile has been repaired for $250 by Classic Marcite.
Need to replace the DE Separator. Replacement cost is $1377.50. A motion to spend up
to $1450 to replace the DE Separator was approved. Laurie to set up replacement.
Light: Dan
found 125 Voltage will purchase the starter kit. It will be installed by Jamie
F. Neighborhood Yard Sale: Neighborhood Yard Sale to be held on November 4 from 8
a.m.-12 p.m. Rebecca to post on Facebook and Bill to post on website.
G. Kona Food Truck: Update. Thank you everyone that came out for Kona Ice! The event
was a success and enjoyed by all!
H. Recording Board Meetings: Discussion about enabling cloud recording. Bill B. could
create a Secret Woods YouTube channel. Discussion about whether this channel would
be public or private? Discussion about pros/cons of recording meetings. An AI
transcript could be posted alongside the official minutes. Zoom also has auto recording
capabilities and transcript publishing capabilities. Thank you for all of the information
Bill Bortzfield!
6. New Business:
A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Discussion of deck enlargement/replacement and
addition of a pergola. The ARC received the request and submitted it to the board for
approval. The deck and pergola project was approved by the board.
B. Luminaria: Tabled until next meeting.
7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. Violations: Discussion of a window unit facing the street. Also, a fence and shed and
fence poles that have no attached fence. Skip and Laurie to meet to discuss these
B. Architectural Review Committee: The committee now has 3 members. The committee
makes recommendations to the board based on the C & Rs and the board makes the
final decision.
C. Items from Board Members & Guests: Pond: They were treated recently. Tabled until
the October meeting. Laurie will reach out to the company to re-treat the ponds.
8. Next Meeting
Date: Monday, October 9, 2023 6:30 pm
Via Zoom
9. Adjournment 7:51 p.m.