How to improve the quality of the neighborhood ponds was a big topic of discussion at the November board meeting. The board also set the dates for this year’s annual luminaria and holiday decorating. Catch up on all the neighborhood news in this month’s board minutes.
Secret Woods Homeowners Association
Board Meeting – Monday, November 13 , 2023 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
1. Certify Quorum: Certified. Rebecca, Rick, Skip, Linda, Carty, Casandra, Laurie
2. Call to Order: 6:34 p.m.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
4. Financials
A. Report: Linda emailed a financial report to the board. It was approved. The
neighborhood is in great financial shape with around $40, 000 in savings and $32,360 in
5. Old Business:
A. Neighborhood Ponds (Kirill & Dan) The ponds are still in rough shape. After running
the fountains 24 hours a day for a month, no improvement was seen. Solitude treated
ponds 1-2 on Friday, November 10. Pond 3 (the only pond without a fountain) is in the
best shape. Kirill, a neighbor, approached the board with his concern about the
fountain running all night. The noise from the fountain has reached 63-68 db at night,
has been a nuisance, and has caused sleeplessness for some neighbors. 3 neighbors
surrounding the pond signed a letter stating that they would like to see the fountain
turned off from the hours of 6 p.m.-6 a.m. Board approved only running the fountain
on pond 2 from dawn until dusk. Discussion of an aeration system and pricing. Kirill
researched some aeration systems and found the cost would run from $500 up. It was
also noted that the compressor required to run an aeration system could create
another noise issue, affecting up to seven neighbors being on SWD. Discussion of a
sound proof box to cover the aeration system motor and the power and voltage
needed to run the system. If we pursue an aeration system, hiring a professional to do
the work is preferable because of liability and warranty issues. There are no guarantees
that the aeration system would solve the problem, so we will keep monitoring what
Solitude is doing to solve the issues. The board decided to keep Solitude for a while
longer and discussed possibly switching back to Lake Doctors in the spring if the ponds
do not improve. Investigating other pond companies was approved by the board.
B. Pool Lighting (Dan): Two lights are not working: one on the parking lot and one on the
pool side. Dan bought a starter kit and lightbulbs. New sockets are needed, and Dan
will purchase. Motion to spend up to $800 to hire and electrician to do the work
6. New Business:
A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: The website password was given. An estoppel request
was sent to webmaster for lot 90, and was carried out.
B. Schedule December Decoration judging and Luminaria Night:
Holiday Decoration judging: Tuesday, Dec. 12. Judges will be Rick and Skip and possibly
Luminaria: Saturday, Dec. 16. Rain date Dec. 17. The board will be providing hot
chocolate and cookies during Luminaria. Please stop by the mailboxes to grab a hot
chocolate and cookies!
Luminaria Kit assembly: Saturday, Dec. 9 at 9:30 a.m. @ the Fultons’ garage
C. Tennis Court Lighting: Kirill Kravchenko volunteered. Two LEDS. Kirill volunteered to
replace the lights, but the board agreed because of liability reasons it is better to hire a
professional. Kirill purchased the LED lights needed and the board voted and approved
to reimburse him $190.19. Thank you, Kirill for your help with the tennis court lighting!
Dan will contact 1 electrician to do all of the electrical work needed around the
7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. Violations: Lot 119: Fence should be replaced soon. Boat issue: Laurie is checking in
periodically. Plants are to be purchased to cover the boat. A letter is to be sent giving a
timeframe at the end of December to have the plants finished.
B. Architectural Review Committee: none
C. Items from Board Members & Guests: Skip brought up the lights at the mailbox and
having them looked at by an electrician. They are not working again. Dan will buy the
fixtures, and the electrician contracted to work on all of the other electrical issues in the
neighborhood will look at the mailbox lighting as well.
Discussion of ASP. Laurie was able to renegotiate our contract to $850/month from
$864. The rates were to increase to $885/month in January. A new contract will be
signed. Thanks, Laurie!
Neighbors if you have any items that you would like to see placed on our monthly
meeting’s agenda, please send your requests to
8. Next Meeting
Date: Monday, December 11, 2023 6:30 pm
Via Zoom
9. Adjournment: 7:45 p.m.