Let There Be Light

This year’s annual Secret Woods Luminaries Night will be held on December 15. Plus, the board has alerted the city of several neighborhood lights that need to be repaired or replaced.  Get all the neighborhood news in the November board minutes. 

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, November 5th, 2018



  1. Certify Quorum:
    1. Board Members: Kathy Williams, Sharon Snow, Lisa DeMascio, Velma Milliner, Aaron Ward, Gary Bassett, Beth Reiney (late)
    2. Joe Williams, Byron DeLong, Angela Hale
  2. Meeting called to order: 6:33pm
  3. October minutes were approved as written.
  4. Financials: Sharon Snow provided the financial report with budget year to date numbers and account balances.
    1. Payment to the court reporter of $190.00 was moved, seconded and approved.
    2. There was discussion on approving a discretionary amount of funds available to SWHOA President to use with the approval of at least one other officer. These funds would only be used for urgent repairs that need to be made in a timely matter to reduce and or eliminate loss of value or use of SWHOA common amenities (e.g. the pool). All funds spent in this manner would require disclosure and discussion with board members at next scheduled meeting following the date of expenditure. Motion moved by Gary and seconded by Thelma to approve discretionary fund as described in discussion with a max limit of $2,500.00. Motion passed.
  5. Kathy presented receipts for expenditures for Fall Social and miscellaneous balloting supplies. Lisa moved to approve and seconded by Gary to approve a reimbursement to Kathy in the amount of $392.94. Motion passed.
  6. Old Business
    1. Entrance Landscaping – Discussion on required watering being done at Goodnow entrance. Mark L. has been watering new landscaping with water from Loving property since irrigation is not available in community landscaped area adjacent to Loving property. Mark L. passed information to Kathy that watering should be complete at end of November 2018. Gary motioned and seconded by Aaron that SWHOA pays portion on Loving family JEA water bill for water used for this irrigation. Motion passed.
    2. Rear entrance fence repair – Gary motion and seconded by Lisa to delay fence repair at Goodnow entrance until Spring 2019.
    3. Tennis Court – After reviewing the court surface, the recommendation is to wait until spring and consider resurfacing the court along with replacing the windscreens.
    4. CC&R recertification – Sharon has the majority of the documents and is waiting on the certified copy of the transcript of the reading of the votes into the record from the court reporter. Once received, Sharon will package and mail the bundle to the state for approval and next steps.
  7. New Business:
    1. Street Lights – The board has submitted a list of 5 neighborhood street light outages to the city for repair.
    2. Pool pump and life ring – The existing pool pump has expired and a new, more efficient pump with a 3 year parts warranty (paperwork to be filed by Kathy) needs to be installed at a cost of $1,625.00. This was moved, seconded and approved. The existing life ring is out of code and needs to be replaced. The cost will be $91.45 and it will be replaced along with the pump. The motion was made, seconded and approved.
    3. Luminaries – Luminary night is scheduled for December 15th. Sharon will acquire the supplies and the kits will be assembled on December 3rd at 6:30 at the Williams’. Sand will be available at the pool lot as usual several days before.
  8. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. Fall Social food expenses – The BBQ expense to Bono’s for $334.95 was moved, seconded and approved.
    2. The board is going to put together a “Welcome” letter for new neighbors with helpful hints on the neighborhood. If you would like to make suggestions, contact Beth at jreiney@msn.com.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm
  10. Next Meeting: January 7th, 2019, 6:30 pm at Brass Tacks Coffee.
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