Board Moves Forward With Getting Estimates To Repair, Upgrade Tennis Courts

The Secret Woods board is working on estimates to have the neighborhood tennis court renovated. Read the February minutes for details.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, February 4th, 2019

  1. Certify Quorum:
    1. Board Members: Kathy Williams, Sharon Snow, Beth Reiney, Lisa DeMascio
    2. Joe Williams, Byron DeLong, Gordon Davis, Andrew Barker
  2. Meeting called to order: 6:35pm
  3. January minutes were approved as written.
  4. Financials: Sharon Snow provided the financial report with budget year to date numbers and account balances.
    1. American Swimming Pools was paid $1700 for the repair of the broken valve.
    2. It was approved to reimburse Bill Bortzfield $179.40 for the renewal of the Secret Woods website.
    3. It was approved to reimburse Kathy Williams $300.67 for the fee to record the renewed CCRs. A big thanks to Mr. McKay with the city for facilitating this matter and helping us save money on the filing.
    4. It was approved to reimburse Kathy Williams $259.77 for the copies and envelopes to mail out the renewed CCRs.
    5. Sharon is going to research how payments are being made to Bug Out.
  5. Old Business
    1. Rear entrance fence repair – Tabled until spring 2019.
    2. Tennis Court – Kathy has received one estimate ($13,700) for the resurfacing of the court with screens, nets and pickle ball lines. Beth is going to work on getting a second estimate. The estimator recommended pressure washing and removing debris from the surface more frequently.
    3. Pool Tile – The board moved, seconded and approved $125 to replace a missing tile on the pool surround.
    4. CC&R recertification – The process is complete! Next step is to mail each homeowner a copy of the renewed CCRs.
    5. Harris, Harris and Guidi – The firm was presented with a complaint letter about the mishandling of the initial CCR renewal. The board is working with them to determine the amount they will reimburse us for our initial expenses.
    6. Dues Lien – The board needs to determine the final amount owed Lot 97 for unpaid dues.
  6. New Business:
    1. Police Patrol – JSO will be driving our neighborhood, when possible, twice a day. Neighbors need to make sure cars are locked and garages are closed.
    2. The board sent a complementary letter to the Florida Bureau of Community Planning and Growth complementing the work of Mr. McKay (Florida DEO) for his assistance in our CCR renewal process.
    3. The board has received an estoppel letter for Lot 1.
  7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. The “Welcome” letter for new neighbors with helpful hints on the neighborhood is ready to go and a version will be sent out with the CCRs.
    2. The board will be sending letters for violations in the neighborhood.
    3. The architectural committee has approved the addition of a fence for Lot 1.
    4. Plans were presented for Lot 48 for the architectural committee to review.
    5. Concerns about drainage for Lot 117. The board is going to work with Lake Doctors to address water level and drainage concerns.
  8. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm
  9. Next Meeting: March 4th, 2019, 6:30 pm at Brass Tacks Coffee.
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