A Playspace At The Pool?

Secret Woods poll

The idea of a Secret Woods playground is being considered. Get the details on this and other neighborhood news in the June board minutes. 

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

  1. Certify Quorum:
    1. Board Members: Dan Flynn, Julie Carter, Gary Bassett, Beth Reiney, Velma Milliner, Jenny Barth, Rebecca  Lee
    2. Dave Hargnett, David Theus, Andrew Barker, Laurie Flynn
  2. Meeting called to order: 6:31pm
  3. Financials: Gary provided a financial report
    1. He is working on refining and automating the treasurer’s report. It will be updated monthly in the cloud directory.
  4. Old Business
    1. Fence Repair – An end point, possibly a new brick column, will be needed at the Goodnow entrance.
    2. Playground – There was discussion about adding some pieces of playground equipment in the pool enclosure. Jenny offered to look for possible equipment that might suit our space. We need to ensure the equipment is durable and won’t require excessive maintenance.
    3. Pressure Washing – This item is tabled until the spring.
    4. Architectural Committee – Dan is working on a mission statement. The first request to the new committee has been approved by both the ARC and the HOA board.
    5. Pool Leak – Dan will follow up with ASP on the possible leak at the pool to determine if it is something that needs to be fixed immediately.
  5. New Business:
    1. New Members – Welcome Dan, Jenny, Julie and Rebecca to the board!
    2. All Members – Dan is working with the board members to provide necessary documentation to our bank.
    3. Guests – General discussion about lot violations and a reminder that we have a fine committee to handle lot violations that go unaddressed. Three members are needed for this committee, independent, not part of the board.
    4. Pool License Fee – $325 will be paid by 6/30/19 (a budget item)
    5. Southpoint Baptist Church – They have been paid for our May 2019 annual meeting.
    6. Bank Account – Gary and Dan have handled this process. Remaining board member information will be delivered by Dan.
    7. Bookkeeping – The books need to be reviewed by Debbie’s Accounting.
    8. Block Captains –
  6. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. American Flag – Thanks Bob Barrington for replacing the American flag at our Tiger Hole entrance.
    2. Facebook – All neighbors (homeowners and renters) are welcome to become part of our private Facebook group. We are going to work on keeping it current with events and information. If you would like to join, please submit your request via Facebook using your Lot#. Julie has offered to assist with the Admin duties.
    3. The board would like to remind folks that have parties at the pool that they should remove the party trash to their personal garbage cans and ensure the pool area is neat and tidy when they are finished.
    4. Welcome – Julie has offered to handle Welcome Committee responsibilities (Thank You!)
  7. Meeting adjourned at 7:46pm

Next Meeting: July 8th, 2019, 7:00pm at 7405 Secret Woods Drive (Flynn home).

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