July Board Agenda: Pond Fountain, New Tennis Windscreens

Here’s a look at what the Secret Woods Board will be discussing at its July 8 meeting.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association
Board Meeting – Monday July 8, 2024 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom

1. Certify Quorum
2. Call to Order
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
4. ARC Report: Erin. And presentation about switching to Gravity for ARC requests
5. Financials
A. Report: Linda
B. Pool Certification: Laurie completed and paid this ($332.90)
C. Bob’s Backflow testing is scheduled for July ($45.00)

6. Old Business:
A. Digital Form for ARC Requests: Laurie/Skip
B. Estimate for New Windscreens at the Tennis Court: 3 quotes, $2,728 for all fences, $2,579 for what we have now (includes removal and disposal of old windscreens) and $1,868 for what we have now (we remove and dispose of the old windscreens).
C. Pond 2 Fountain Update: Dan
D. Lighting at Rear Entrance: Linda
E. Kona Day (Back to School): Rebecca
F. Discussion with Legal Advisor
G. Rekey the Pool Gate: Discuss estimates and options

6. New Business:
A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Skip
B. In-person meeting 1-2Xs per year: When and where?

7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. Non-residents accessing pool/tennis facilities: note from resident asking how we keep non-residents from using the facilities without a resident host?
B. Items from Board Members & Guests:

8. Next Meeting
Date: Monday August 12, 2024

9. Adjournment

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