Text Box: Secret Woods Home Association

November Party A Success !

Winn-Dixie (Beach Blvd) donated a $35 food coupon,  Dave and Busters donated 15—$5.00 coupons,  China Buffet donated three 15% off coupons and The Loop(Bowden Road) donated 3- $15.00 dinner coupons.  In addition,  Schwanns foods donated a 1/2 gallon of ice cream.  Be sure to try Schwann’s if you need food delivered to your door.  They sell delicious high quality frozen

food delivered to your door.  Catch Hal every other Thursday or go on the web to WWW.Schwanns.com.  You can even pre-order their food. Everyone thinks they sell dairy products and ice cream, but they sell food too.

China Buffet at Tinseltown has a take-out box for $7.00.  Go buy and grab your favorites.

If you attended the Georgia-Florida Football game,  you missed the neighborhood fun and we missed you.  After two months of planning, the neighborhood held a fall hoe-down.


Bonnie Cowling and her social committee made up of John and Mary Loving coordinated and presented a top-of-line neighborhood social.  Over 75 people attended between 4 pm and 8 pm Saturday night.

Area businesses such as The China Buffet, Dave & Busters, Winn-Dixie, Loop Pizza Bowden Location and Schwanns donated over $150 worth of door prizes. 

Sam Snow picked the number one dessert which was O'Neil Montgomery’s chocolate pecan pie.  Marianne Pophal received second place and Chris Millon won third place.

Marianne (our neighborhood profes

sional photographer) captured the moment for history while Bill Bortzfield captured the moment for the website.  Wesley Winfree directed the games.

At the annual meeting, a request was made for someone to coordinate the party.  Bonnie Cowling volunteered and pulled it off.  Other helpers who should be mentioned include Jim Cowling, John and Scott Bednarz, Joe and Bonnie Miller, Tom and Carol Bozak. Richard Miller and Alan Lavina handed out the invitations.

You would not believe the number of young children in our neighborhood.  Between skating, football, games and popping balloons (oh and eating), it appeared they had a good time, too.





Please Thank And Support These Companies


November 2, 2002

Text Box: NEWS 4 YOU

Note:  If you helped and you were left you off this list,  please accept the Board’s apology.

Secretwoods.com should be available soon… keep checking the web for our own domain location.  Thanks Bill Bortzfield!