Black Algae Treatment Completed At Pool


Secret Woods poll

From pool maintenance to new entrance signs, here’s the latest neighborhood news from the October board meeting.


Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting, Oct. 7, 2019

  1. Certify Quorum:  Board Members: Dan Flynn, Velma Milliner, Jenny Barth, Julie Carter, Gary Bassett, Beth Reiney and Rebecca Lee

Others: Byron DeLong and Laurie Flynn

  1. Meeting called to order: 6:34pm
  2. Minutes from the September meeting were  approved as submitted
  3. Financials – Budget spending for the fiscal year is currently on track to be below budget at this time.
  4. Old Business
    1. Fence Repair –Repair/replace wood fencing along both Goodnow and Tigerhole.   No progress this month.
    2. Pool Leak – No progress this month
    3. Facebook – Great response to the speed limit post. Julie will begin posting about minutes and meetings.
    4. New Neighbors – Julie has provided the updates to Dan so that the directory can be updated.
    5. Signs at Entrances – The new signs have been installed and look great! Thanks Dan!
    6. Pool Black Algae – Treatment is complete.
    7. Fine Committee – Gary presented research on HOA fine committees including determination/listing of fines, application of fines and legal precedents in other states. After discussion, the board has decided not to reinstate the committee. 
    8. Pool Lock Lubrication – Dan is handling periodic maintenance of the lock with brake cleaner.
    9. JEA High Bill – The bill has been reduced dramatically.
    10. Lot 97 – Dan has emailed the attorneys the amount due and fees and attended a “meeting” at the courthouse on 10/1.
    11. Neighborhood Library – Julie brought information on one possible library. Approximate price is $320-$350. She will send the board members the details for further discussion next month.
    12. Magnets – Julie brought the magnet design and the board approved up to $100 to order 200 magnets. They will be distributed door to door and then going forward in the Welcome basket.
    13. Speed Signs – Discussion next month.
  5. New Business:
    1. Pool Flooding – The Auto Fill Valve has gotten stuck twice in the last month. Dan will get an estimate on replacement.
    2. Irrigation – One estimate received to move the sprinkler heads at the Tiger Hole entrance. Beth will work on getting additional estimates for the next meeting.
    3. Additional Items for Board – none
  6. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. Violations – Several concerns were addressed after the September meeting. The board encourages neighbors to read and be familiar with their copy of the Covenants and Restrictions and to have conversations with their neighbors if there are issues that arise. We all have a common goal/desire to live in a nice neighborhood, let’s work together to keep it that way!
    2. Architectural Review Committee – Nothing to report.
    3. Neighborhood Matching Grant – Up to 5k, additional discussion at next month’s meeting.
    4. Bug Out Problems – Some issues were noted inside the pool yard and on the islands, Dan to call Bug Out for a service call.
    5. Items from Board Members and Guests – Beth to look into the malfunctioning light at the mailboxes.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm
  8. Next Meeting: November 5th, 2019, 6:30pm at 7405 Secret Woods Drive (Flynn home).
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