Blackflow Preventers Among Topics Discussed At July Board Meeting

You may have noticed new blackflow preventers for lawn irrigation systems around the neighborhood. Get the latest on that and other neighborhood news in this month’s Secret Woods board minutes. 

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

18:40 Unable to certify quorum (No items to be voted on)

18:43 Call to Order

18:45 Previous meeting minutes (June, 2018) approved

18:48 Financial Report not discussed (Treasurer not present)

18:50 Old business discussed:

A: Fence Repair: Brick column at rear neighborhood entrance leaning from tree root damage.

Association tentatively plans to remove column since safety issue may exist. Association has no plans at present to repair or replace column (remove only). Monetary amount to remove column will be discussed and voted on at next meeting. Association will seek permission to be on adjacent homeowner’s property as a courtesy in preparation of column removal.

19:05 New business discussed:

A: Bookkeeping: Sharon will have Association’s books reviewed by Debbi’s Accounting Service.

D: New restroom vendor: A new vendor was discussed. This new vendor can service pool restroom cleaning needs at a 40% savings annually to current vendor. Current vendor has not been consistent in services being provided and no longer meets the increased needs of the Association. This change will be discussed further at next board meeting and will require approval by board members.

19:15 Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns:

B: Backflow Preventers: It was discussed and suggested that the Association draft some language as to the appropriate placement of newly installed backflow preventers on homeowners’ irrigation systems. Informational letter to be mailed to residents by the Architectural Committee. Will be further discussed at next meeting.

19:35 Next Meeting to take place on Monday August 20th. Location TBD.

19:38 Meeting Adjourned

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