Board Investigates Apparent Pool Leak

Secret Woods poll

The neighborhood has seen some excessive water bills and the pool has been treated for black algae. Updates are in this month’s board minutes.


Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, September 9, 2019

  1. Certify Quorum:  Board Members: Dan Flynn, Velma Milliner, Jenny Barth, Julie Carter, Gary Bassett, Beth Reiney and Rebecca Lee

Others: Byron DeLong and Laurie Flynn

  1. Meeting called to order: 6:33pm
  2. Minutes from August meeting approved as submitted
  3. Financials
    1. The most recently renewed CD was increased from $5,000 to $10,000. This goes toward the board’s goal to increase the savings an amount that represents one year of operating costs. NOTE: There is only a very small penalty if the HOA needs the additional funds.
    2. CDs are being changed to reinvest the  interest. 
    3. A line item for Discretionary spending was approved. It will be $500 and its purpose will be to cover items not specifically included in another budget line item for nominal expenses not to exceed $100 per instance.
  4. Old Business
    1. Fence Repair –Repair/replace wood fencing along both Goodnow and Tigerhole.   No progress this month.
    2. Playground – Tabled for now.
    3. Pool Leak – Dan will work with the pool vendor on understanding how the leak is related to prior work done.
    4. Facebook – Julie has declined a request to join for someone who refuses to provide their Lot #.
    5. New Neighbors – Julie will provide names/contacts to Beth/Dan for directory updates once a month.
    6. Backflow Preventer – Complete.
    7. Signs at Entrances – Dan will be ordering the signs approved at the August meeting and oversee their installation.
    8. Pool Repair – Complete – $290.  
    9. Bug Out Key – Complete.
  5. New Business:
    1. Dorian – The neighborhood fared well, thanks to everyone who helped prepare the common areas.
    2. Pool Black Algae – Pool was treated for black algae on 8/30, there will be an additional treatment and the area scrubbed to remove the residue.
    3. Fine Committee – The board discussed the restructuring the fine committee. Gary to draft a resolution.
    4. JEA High Bill – The board is investigating excessive water bills. Beth to get estimates on moving the two sprinkler heads closest to the street at the front entrance because they get damaged when run over.
    5. Pool Lock & Key – The board approved $20 for brake cleaner spray.
    6. Pool & Tennis Court Photos – Several photos of the Secret Woods grounds have been removed from the maintenance notebook. Please contact Dan if you have them or copies of them.
    7. Lot 97 – Dan did extensive research on the HOA’s legal options for recouping unpaid dues/penalties. The result of this investigation is that it is not worth pursuing given the legal costs and priority of lien.
    8. Neighborhood Library – Julie will bring additional information next month.
    9. Additional Items from Board – Additional 20 mph signs will be researched by Jenny. Magnets for home owners will be reported on next month (Julie). They will be included as part of the welcome package for new neighbors.
  6. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. Violations – Gary to address.
    2. Architectural Review Committee – Nothing to report.
    3. Items from Board Members and Guests – None.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm
  8. Next Meeting: October 7th, 2019, 6:30pm at 7405 Secret Woods Drive (Flynn home).
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