This gallery contains 11 photos.
The main Secret Woods pond has been fully restored with a new fountain and chemical treatments. Enjoy the pictures and read more about it and the rest of the neighorhood news in this month’s board minutes. (more…)
Improvements to the Secret Woods pool area are taking shape. Get all the neighborhood news in the January minutes of Secret Woods Homeowners Association meeting. (more…)
Bags for the annual luminaries night will be put together on December 11. (more…)
A city inspector has examined a home on Misty Creek Lane. (more…)
At the June Secret Woods Board meeting it was confirmed that $50 late fees would be added to the 2012 annual association bill of homeowners that still haven’t sent in their payment. (more…)
A new board was elected Monday night and a review of the year’s accomplishments was given to Secret Woods homeowners. (more…)
The Secret Woods board has hired an attorney to deal with ongoing violations of the neighborhood’s covenants. The board is also investigating whether to bring in homeowner management firm. (more…)
DATE: December 12, 2011
LOCATION: 3153 Secret Woods Trail West
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bassett, Katherine Frazier, Rob Hagen, Mark Wnuk, David Theus, Ross Thompson and Jamie Montgomery.
Meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. The minutes from the November 2011 board meeting were accepted as written. The financial statement prepared by Rob Hagen was accepted as written. (more…)
DATE: November 14, 2011
LOCATION: 3153 Secret Woods Trail West
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bassett, Katherine Frazier, Rob Hagen, Mark Wnuk, David Theus, Ross Thompson and Jamie Montgomery.
NEIGHBORS PRESENT: Byron DeLong, Marianne Pophal, and Dan Flynn.
Meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. The minutes from the October 2011 board meeting were accepted as written. The financial statement prepared by Rob Hagen was accepted as written. (more…)
DATE: October 10, 2011
LOCATION: 3153 Secret Woods Trail West
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bassett, Katherine Frazier, Rob Hagen, Mark Wnuk, David Theus, and Jamie Montgomery.
Meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. The minutes from the September 2011 board meeting were accepted as written. The financial statement prepared by Rob Hagen was accepted as written. (more…)