Lighting At Secret Woods Trail Entrance Being Replaced


The solar lights at the rear entrance to our neighborhood have been stolen! The Board has hired a company to repair the buried electrical surrounding the pond and replace the lighting to match the front entrance.

Board Meeting – Monday, July 8, 2024 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom

1. Certify Quorum: certified. Skip, Kim, Linda, Laurie, Carty and Sandy
Absent: Rebecca
Guests: Erin, Byron, Dan
2. Call to Order: 6:31 p.m.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved.
4. ARC Report: postponed until next month.
5. Financials
A. Report: Linda. Monthly financial report was sent to the board. $62K in savings.

6. Old Business:
A. Digital Form for ARC Requests: Erin: preview of the Gravity form and has offered to create the form our website at no cost.
B. Estimate for New Windscreens at the Tennis Court: $2738 to include the gate. $2579 without replacing the gate.
C. Cell Tower Update: Skip. Susie called Crown Castle on Friday. The ticket that was previously opened fell through the cracks and now she has confirmation that they will order
the branches in April that will take roughly 12 weeks.
7. New Business:
A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Skip. Nothing new.
B. Backflow Testing at Pool is due by July 31. Motion approved, Laurie will schedule
C. Pond: Pond #2’s fountain pump was no longer working. Request for up to $3000 was approved in June to repair or replace the fountain. Daniel contacted Solitude about the
repair/replacement. Solitude was able to trouble shoot the problem/removed fishing line tangled around impeller shaft (causing it to burn out) and replace the motor for $900.
Motor will be ordered from Solitude.
D. Repair seam along pool edge: The edge is cracking, and parts of the decking are as well. The board will get estimates to have this repaired probably after pool season.
E. Laurie spoke with HOA Lawyer: Regarding HB1203 changes to HOA policies, certification requirements for Board members and ongoing education courses. Firm is developing courses
which will meet these requirements. TBD until they are approved. Letter will be sent to homeowner on Lot 96.
F. Projects: Replace lighting at rear entrance: Quoted for service $3,515 for 16.5hrs. estimated hours to complete. Approved. Linda will follow up with Current Electric.
G. Pool house Light: Dan requested funds to replace the ballast on one of the lights. $500 was approved for the ballast kit and the cost for an electrician to install.
H. Pool grounds: Kim Jenkins has volunteered to clean up the overgrown grounds when it gets a little cooler and plant some low maintenance plants to bring some beauty to this
space and donate planter boxes to go around the pool.
I. Kona Day: Rebecca to schedule for August as a back-to-school event.
J. In-person meeting: September @ Kim Jenkins
K. Rekeying the pool gate/adding an exit button: Will discuss at the next board meeting after reviewing more quotes.

8. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. Honorable Mention: Byron wanted to thank the Lee family for coming through with a shingle needed for the message board.

9. Next Meeting:
Date: Monday August 6, 2024,
6:30 p.m. via Zoom

Adjournment: 7:53 p.m.

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