Luminaria Night Is Saturday, Dec. 19

It’s the holiday season in Secret Woods. Saturday night, Dec. 19, will be our annual Luminaria Night. Everyone should have received their kit. See this month’s board minutes for the details and the rest of this month’s neighborhood news.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – Monday December 7, 2020 Time: 6:30 Online Meeting via Zoom


  1. Certified Quorum-​ Sallie, Matt, Tracy, Rebecca, Ramses, Dan, guests Dan T., Byron (thanks for hosting!) 2. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes November. ​All Approved.

4.    Financials

  1. Report​: Matt went over expenses and balances and provided a quarterly recap of finances. Bills covered for December- Matt transferred money over because the transfer didn’t go through for some reason. He will investigate once the branch is opened again

Tracy suggested doing a special assessment for the next few years to build the reserves back up. Sallie has been thinking about that as well. The HOA fee is extremely low for the amenities that are provided so this is going to be something to be explored for the future as the pool renovations are becoming more urgent.

5.    Old Business

  1. Reconcile Financials:​ Dan had some budget questions and thoughts. The current budgeted insurance amount is $6,000. Can we replace it for something just as good but less expensive? Luminary costs can be reduced from $400 to $200. Office supplies reduced from $500 to $300. Ponds and fountains are budgeted at $2,000 but he thinks it won’t cost as much this year. In looking at the remaining expenses in the budget against the income, the carryover savings could be as much as $10,000. This is not enough to pay for the pool replacement so we might have to look into pulling money from CDs to bring the cost for the pool to about $30,000 to have enough money to fully redo the pool.  B.       Mail:  Package Box 1254A pending.  
  2. Neighborhood Library install:​ Rebecca said it will be installed soon.
  3. Pool Refurbish: Dan and Sallie are going to revisit all the estimates for the pool renovation.

Matt gave an estimate on updating the bathrooms with materials up to $1,200, not including installation. Tracy sent an estimate to look at the pool house and replace partitions in restrooms, toilets, new fixtures, paint, pool shower, clean tile $6000- $9000. Urinal is leaking so we would need to get a plumber.

  1. On Food truck Friday possibly becoming a monthly thing: It might be more effective for it to be done more quarterly starting in March again when it’s a little warmer.

6.    New Business

  1. Lake Doctors- ​Dan questioned their recommendation to replace the foundation and replaced the GFCI’s and the fountain runs fine. Lake Doctors currently charges $130/month and $88/quarterly. Dan has gotten other estimates- $105/month and $75/quarter from Lake and Wetland Management of North Florida. Approved to move to a new vendor- Lake and Wetland Management. Dan has to notify LD 30 days in advance in order to terminate their agreement and will need to remove the auto renewal.
  2. Luminaries date and time for put together and date for display- Dan will order sand and it will be in the pool parking lot a week before the luminary date. Byron purchased the bags and candles.  Byron has separated the necessary supplies for the supplied zones for the assigned person to put together. Each board member can pick up the Zone bags from Byron’s house and then separate them per house and then distribute the supplies to the neighbors. Thanks Byron!
  3. Secret Woods Luminary Night- Saturday December 19th

Make up day- Saturday December 20th (if it is changed to alternate date there will be signs).



7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns

  1. Violations. Still watching 2 lots but there have been small improvements on both.
  2. Architectural Review Committee: Nothing new this month
  3. Items from Board Members & guests



8. Next Meeting

Date:                   Monday Jan. 4, 2020 6:30pm

Where ​:              Zoom


9. Adjournment- ​All Approved

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