Luminaries assembly: Dec. 11, luminaries night: Dec. 22

Bags for the annual luminaries night will be put together on December 11. 

Minutes of Secret Woods Homeowners Association

MeetingDate: November 13, 2012 Board Members

Present: David Theus, Ross Thompson, Rob Hagen, Mark Wnuk, Jamie Montgomery, Mark Lemmenes and Dan Flynn.   Mike Veltri was present.

Order of Business: Quorum certified and meeting called to order. Minutes from October were approved. Financials read and approved. Discussion on expenditures for the remaining portion of the fiscal year occurred.

Old Business:

Pool maintenance: Certain marking tiles need replacing according to the pool company. It was determined that the replacement of the tiles is included in the funds that were previously approved for pool repairs.Fence repair was approved based on a written estimate. The cost of all fence repairs are not to exceed $1700.

Luminaries: The bags will be put together on December 11th at the next board meeting date and distributed prior to the luminary display on 12/22/12. Mark Wnuk will coordinate the delivery of supplies.

New Business: Estimates were reviewed for making fixes to the pool house roof and adding gutters to the pool house. The board passed a proposal for the work to be completed based on a written estimate and the expenses are not to exceed $1,650.

The unapproved structure that was erected at 3117 Chapelwood Lane has been removed. Thank you to the homeowners.

Lights at the pool have been investigated.  Additional investigation will take place and if a solution cannot be determined an electrician will be brought in. Expenses to repair the electrical issue have been approved up to $600.

Resurfacing the tennis courts was discussed. Written estimates have been received. Beth Reiney has done a significant amount of research and has been authorized to select a contractor.

The amount approved to resurface the tennis courts is not to exceed $6,500. The resurfacing of the tennis courts will be completed prior to the start of the pool work.

Miscellaneous: A trailer is parked in a driveway on Bent Creek Lane and needs a violation letter sent. With all matters discussed and no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be December 11, 2012.


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