Neighborhood Repairs And Maintenance Underway

Secret Woods pollPool repairs have been made. See this month’s board minutes for the details on this and other neighborhood news.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Monday, August 20th 2018


  1. Certify Quorum:
    1. Board Members: Kathy Williams, Sharon Snow, Beth Reiney, Lisa DeMascio, Gary Bassett
    2. Byron DeLong, Joe Williams, Michael Byrd, Mark Wnuk and Skip Cooney
  2. Meeting called to order: 6:30pm
  3. July minutes were approved as submitted
  4. Financials: Sharon Snow provided the financial report with budget year to date numbers and account balances.
  5. Old Business
    1. Fence/Column repair – There is an estimate of $500 to remove the brick column at the back entrance due to the danger of it falling. There was a suggestion to leave the base of the column in place to prevent a large void in the ground. The estimate was motioned, seconded and approved. Kathy will coordinate the removal.
    2. Tennis court windscreens – Beth volunteered to revisit the previous estimate with the tennis screen company to see whether any of the existing screens can be retained.
    3. Pool
      1. Pool deck repairs were completed and the payment of $2495 that was approved in June will be made.
      2. The pool auto-fill failed and was replaced. The payment of $275 was moved, seconded and approved.
  • The pool ladder was violating city code due to missing anchors. Paradise Pools made the repair. The payment of $345 for the repair was moved, seconded and approved.
  1. The pool was satisfactorily inspected by the city.
  1. Palm tree maintenance – After approving an estimate from Palm Trees by Trent of $150 in June, the company has not been responding to calls. Kathy will attempt to contact them again.
  2. Entrance landscaping – The continuation of the entrance landscaping project was discussed and a motion was made and seconded to approve the additional $2,300. The vote did not receive a majority and the board has requested additional plan details on the estimate at the September meeting prior to reconsidering the matter.
  3. Pond fountain repair – The fountain was repaired. Currently there is an issue with the breaker flipping off frequently. The breaker is to protect the fountain motor from damage, but seems to be flipping too often. The board decided to attempt to tighten/replace the covers on the outlets around the pond to ascertain if water intrusion into the GFCI is what is causing the breaker to flip. Michael Byrd offered to review and replace the covers. If this is not effective, the board may need to consult with an electrician.
  1. New Business:
    1. Bookkeeping – The books were reviewed by Debbie’s Accounting Service. The payment of the charge of $330 for this review was moved, seconded and approved.
    2. Backflow Preventer – Letters were sent to all homeowners with suggestions on how to have the backflow preventers placed. Homeowners can call Skip Cooney for further information.
    3. Bank Account – There was discussion on the need for cashing CDs. The board determined this was not necessary due to the monies available in the Checking/Savings accounts. There was no vote on this matter.
    4. Home Sales – Estoppel request letters have been submitted to two title service companies.
  2. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
    1. Violation letters have been sent addressing yard concerns. Other letters will be sent as needed.
    2. A reminder to homeowners that NO signs other that For Sale/For Rent signs are allowed in yards.
    3. Revised covenants have not been filed with the city despite repeated contact with the attorney. Kathy to follow up.
    4. One of the mail box lights is still out (more than a bulb replacement). Michael Byrd offered to take a look.
    5. Paradise Pools will be provided with another key to the side gate.
    6. A reimbursement to Kathy of $176.08 for postage and toner supplies was moved, seconded and approved.
  3. Next Meeting: September 10th, 2018, 6:30 pm at Brass Tacks Coffee
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