The Secret Woods board reports new lighting has been installed at the neighborhood’s entrances. See the February minutes for the rest of this month’s neighborhood news.
Secret Woods Homeowners’ Association
Board Meeting- Monday February 7, 2022 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
- Certify Quorum: Skip, Sallie, Rick, Rebecca, Matt, Ramses
- Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
- Approval of Previous Minutes- approved.
- Financials:
- Report: Expenses and balances. Investigation of check from 2018. Matt talked to Mark L. about check from 2018. It was to be paid to Native Plants and appears to be a deposit for some plants that did not end up being purchased. The payments to our former lawn care service have been suspended and new payments to the new service Look at that Lawn Care have started. Matt to set up auto payments. 3 initiation fees were deposited by Dan.
- Sallie and Matt. Update on CM. Matt has not been able to stop by Classic Marcite before it closes. He is going to call them and give them the list of items that need to be fixed at the pool. The final payment will be sent after the work has been completed.
- Update pool umbrellas and loungers. Palm Casual has not called Dan to say that the cobalt blue umbrellas ordered have come in, so he is thinking they are still backordered. He will follow up. Dan emailed the board other fabric choices that are in stock and can be shipped quicker. Discussion about ordering something in stock and if we would be responsible for payment if the cobalt blue umbrellas actually arrived. Umbrellas cost $386 each.
Loungers: Discussion of possibly re-strapping 10 chairs at a time as to not leave to pool completely unfurnished. Cost is $150 per lounger and $95 per chair. Motion to re-strap chairs in white and spend up to $3000 approved.
The fabric chairs need new fabric. Discussion about more durable fabric or do we get rid of the fabric chairs and replace them with strapped chairs?
- Electric at entrance. Lighting is finished on both sides. A muffler is needed because the lights are too bright. Digging a trench is required to finish some of the electrical work. $150/hr to dig. Skip is going to see if the digging can be done cheaper. Possibly get a trencher? It will cost $2800 more to finish repairs on the Hilsdale side. The electricians accidentally nicked the irrigation system. Talk of calling someone to repair the system and deducting the cost of the repairs from the final electrical bill. Skip is going to call and see if American Electrical can repair the sprinklers or at least supervise the repairs so that nothing else is damaged.
- Handyman and pool fencing. There is a section of fencing at the pool that is shared with a neighbor. The board is going to replace the shared section of fencing. Sallie to call and get estimates from Indian Fence.
- Repair and update pool bathrooms. Need scope of work. Rick and Skip to take on the project. Discussion of deep cleaning, hiring someone to paint, better lighting, and getting new sink for the women’s restroom. Mike Shearer to give an estimate on the new sink installation.
- New Business:
- New Lawn service. Extra work is $65 per hour. Board discussion about cleaning up pool and other areas. Vote to add extra lawn care for up to 4 hours during the winter months. Approved.
- Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns:
- Violations: Signed vehicle in driveway. Dan brought welcome package to new neighbors and reminded them of the C & Rs. A magnet is to be purchased and placed over the business logo on vehicle.
- Architectural Review Committee: homeowner to replace roof with the same materials and color.
- Items from members and guests: Discussion about allowing no short term rentals, VRBO’s etc. Covenants and Restrictions would need to be amended. Discussion about not allowing rentals in the neighborhood at all. How to figure out which homes are rentals? Skip and Ramses to research options and the discussion of rentals will be revisited.
- Next meeting:
Date: Monday, March 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom