New Windscreens Planned For Tennis/Pickleball Court






Watch for an improvement coming soon to the neighborhood’s tennis and pickleball court. Get the details on that and other neighborhood news in this month’s board minutes. 

Board Meeting – Monday, April 8, 2024 Time: 6:30

Online Meeting via Zoom

1. Certify Quorum: certified. Casandra, Rebecca, Skip, Rick, Laurie, Carty, and Linda
2. Call to Order: 6:34 p.m.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
4. ARC Report: NA
5. Financials
A. Report: Linda. The fiscal year ends of April 30. The neighborhood is in great
shape with $5130 in checking, $21, 237 in savings, and $32, 823 in CDs. Dan will
be reimbursed for the mailing supplies for the annual meeting/dues letters. The
painters have been paid for the tables at the pool. The yearly insurance premium
was paid to Brown and Brown. The insurance only went up $50. Thanks for
working on the insurance, Linda!
6. Old Business:
A. Request for new fencing on Lot 100. ARC recommends approval. The fence is
B. Form for ARC Requests: Skip modified the form for HOA requests. It was sent to
the board. A line will be removed from the “description” section. Motion to
accept this form with the addition of a line for a board member’s signature of
approval and the date. Motion passed. Discussion about color palettes and
running all exterior changes by the board.
C. Pressure Washing: completed and paid
D. Painting completed and paid
E. Violation letters sent: Lot 27, Lot 32, Lot 51, Lot 61, Lot 96
F. Annual Notices mailed on March 28, 2024: Dan (cost @$ 550)
G. Annual Meeting: Southpoint Baptist Church, Monday, May 13, from 7:00-9:00.
The room at Southpoint Baptist opens at 6:00. Skip and Susie will bring
H. Estimate for New Windscreens at the Tennis Court: Linda called Court Services
and did not get a call back. Laurie to call Court Services again and look at old
invoice for other vendors.
6. New Business:

A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Skip. Fence for lot 100 approved. Galaxy
Roofing to do the roof for Lot 79. The renovations of this property should be
completed by June. The church will be in communication with the board about
the property and ongoing repairs.
B. Repaired Pool Gate Lock: Thanks, Dan for coordinating the repair!
C. Possibly Hire a Lawyer on Retainer: Laurie. Discussion of a future amendment
that may require board members to give their information to the government.
The HOA attorney will be called with specific questions about bills that may
impact the HOA in the future.
D. Open Board Positions: Laurie. 2 positions are available. Skip will stay on the
board if needed. There is also a need for ARC members which will be discussed
at the annual meeting.
E. Set up for Annual Meeting at 6:00: Cooneys will bring refreshments.
7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. Items from Board Members & Guests:
Cell Tower: Susie contacted Crown Castle on 4-5-24 because the work has not yet
been completed. Another ticket was opened and a supervisor is involved. The
work will hopefully be completed soon.
Dump on Bowden: This is an open violation. The city is aware and will clear the
trash from the property. It will take time.
Easement on Goodnow Rd.: The City of Jacksonville will clean up the easement.
Lot concerns: Discussion of curb appeal and its importance. Letter to a house
with rotting wood? Violation letters will be sent for yards and for garbage that
has been left at a front door. All loose dog problems seem to have been
8. Next Meeting
Date: Monday, May 13, 2024

In person after the annual meeting

9. Adjournment: 7:33 p.m.

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