A revised amendment to the Secret Woods covenants has been approved by the board to send to homeowners for their consideration. The details along with other neighborhood news are in this month’s board minutes.
Secret Woods Homeowners’ Association
Board Meeting – Monday Dec. 5, 2022 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
- Certify Quorum: Rebecca, Rick, Sallie, Tracy, Linda, Skip
- Call to Order: 6:31 p.m.
- Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
- Financials
- Report: Linda emailed the monthly financial report to the board. There will possibly be a need to replace the timer at the big pond. Discussion about waiting another month before starting another CD. The Flynns purchased a new flag and were reimbursed. Byron purchased the luminaria supplies and was reimbursed. All bills are up to date.
- Old Business:
- Amendment: Skip suggested to mail the amendment the second week of January, Wed., January 11. There will be a 30-day return request. Please use the drop box at the mailboxes to return a signed and notarized amendment. We will need 95 homes to sign the amendment. Discussion of using block captains to help obtain signatures. One clarification: current homeowners are not prohibited from renting their homes. The one-year waiting period applies to new homeowners after the amendment has been approved. Please email the board if you have any questions.
- Luminaries: Board to put together luminary kits at the Fultons on Saturday, Dec. 10.
- Landscaping: The price of Look at that Lawncare will increase to $659 a month in January. During the slow season, we have hired Look at that Lawncare to complete 4 extra hours of work a month to maintain communal areas. Sallie walked the property with James Harper and showed him the projects that need to be completed. Discussion of coontie palm. The board will wait until the growing season begins to make a decision about new landscaping.
- Flag and Pool items: Purchased flag.
- New Business:
- Awarding the Christmas decorations. Thank you to Linda, Skip, and Tracy who volunteered to put out the award signs this year!
- Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
- Violations. Discussion of yards that need maintenance and letters. Skip to place a note at the mailboxes and work on mailing letters. Luminaria is right around the corner. Please edge your yard and clear street gutters of leaves and debris. Thank you!
- Architectural Review Committee:
- Items from Board Members & Guest: Women’s restroom: Light is not turning off. Rick is going to call the handyman Mike Smith to fix it. Board approved up to $200 to fix the light.
- Next Meeting
Date: Monday, Jan. 9, 2022 at 6:30 pm
Where : ZOOM
- Adjournment 7:07 p.m.