Photo is for illustrative purposes only. Courtesy: Traffic Supplies & Distribution Fla.
The Secret Woods board discussed the possibility of installing speed humps to slow down traffic at its September meeting. Concerns have been raised that some drivers speed through the neighborhood, endangering children and others.
Tree trimming at the neighborhood pool was also discussed.
Secret Woods Homeowners’ Association
Board Meeting – Monday, September 13, 2021 Time: 6:30
Online Meeting via Zoom
- Certify Quorum-certified: Sallie, Rebecca, Rick, Dan, and Matt
- Call to Order- Called to order at 6:30
- Approval of Previous Minutes-approved
- Financials
- Report: Expenses and Balances. Monthly budget was sent to HOA board. Money was transferred from a CD that matured to savings.
- Old Business
- Sallie -Pool: We are still waiting on the correct ladder and railing from CM. Sallie to follow up. Discussion replacing the sink in the ladies room or possibly waiting until we remodel the bathrooms in the off season. We are going to get estimates. Discussion about eventually having to replace copper plumbing.
- Dan – Pool umbrellas. They have been ordered and should arrive in October. Broken umbrella will be put to the street. Please remember to close the umbrellas when leaving the pool.
- Rebecca- speed humps– A traffic engineer visited our neighborhood and deemed that it is eligible for speed humps. They recommend two on Secret Woods Trail and one on Secret Woods Drive. The next step in the process is to call a public City Council meeting. Anyone may attend. Discussion of various methods to slow down traffic. Possibly pursue four way stop again.
- Dan- gathering estimates on tree trimming. Discussion about adding rocks around the maintenance gate to prevent mud when it rains.
- New Business
- Section of wood fence needs to be replaced at the pool. Split the cost with neighbors. The fence is coming away from the post.
- Handyman to paint doors and signs at the pool to match the new tile. Tabled for now.
- Lawn service: We have received two bids and are looking for one more before making a final decision. If you know anyone please have them email webmaster@secretwoods.com
- Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
- Violations. Letters have been sent and there have been some positive improvements. Please maintain your yards!
- Architectural Review Committee: Nothing this month.
- Maintenance: A big thanks to Dan for much needed repairs to the sprinklers, pool restrooms and maintenance gate.
- Next Meeting:
Date: Monday, October 4, 2021 6:30 p.m.
Where : Zoom
- Adjournment- 8:00 p.m.