Secret Woods treasurer resigns, new treasurer appointed

Secret Woods treasurer David Theus, who was previously the Secret Woods board president, has resigned from the board. Read the board minutes for additional information along with other neighborhood news.

Date: January 13, 2014
Board Members Present: Rob Hagan, Mark Wnuk, Dan Flynn, Sharon Snow, and Mark Lemmenes. Byron DeLong
was also present.

Meeting notes from the September meeting with revisions was approved with one board member abstaining from the vote. The meeting notes from the November meeting were approved.

Dan Flynn provided the financial update.

Old Business:
• Replacement of the pool light remains open. (Dan)

• Landscaping – Mark L. presented a proposal to remove and replace landscaping in the pool area.

A motion was made and approved to spend up to $700 to perform the work in the bid as well as additional landscaping work in the pool area determined by Mark L. as the services are being performed.

Landscaping along Tiger Hole was discussed. Trees on the entrance islands have a gray substance. Mark L. will call the lawn service for spraying. (Mark L.)

• Florida State certification forms were completed by Mark Lemmenes and Mark Wnuk.

• Chili cook-off was discussed and will be revisited in the February meeting. (Dan)

• Neighborhood Activities such as a work party for landscaping and community parties would like to be  pursued. (Dan)

New Business:
• David Theus resigned from the SWHA Board in December, 2013 and his SWHA Board term runs through  FY15. Discussion took place about a possible replacement for the board position. A decision was made to have a new member elected in the annual meeting rather than the Board appointing someone to the position at this time.

• David Theus resigned as a SWHA Board member and the treasurer role was vacated. After discussion a motion was made to elect Mark Wnuk as the treasurer and the motion passed. Sharon Snow will become the acting Secretary.

• Notice of Foreclosure was received for a lot in the neighborhood. After discussion a letter will be sent to the Attorney advising of amounts due if a property is sold to a new owner. (Dan)

• Dropbox – Dan reestablished access under his new account to Dropbox. New links are now required.

• Discussion took place about raising dues. No actions were taken.


• Discussion took place about landscaping and a trailer parked in front of the house at 7213 Secret Woods. Dr. A board member will attempt to talk to the homeowner directly followed by a letter. (Sharon/Dan)

The February, 2014 SWHA Board meeting will be held on February 10, 2014 at 6PM.
Note: The Board Member who is the owner of a business item will appear in ( ) after each item, were applicable

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