SWHOA Agenda

Ponds and fountains are still an issue the Board is trying to resolve.  In Addition, we may be facing pool deck repairs this Fall.

Board Meeting – Monday September 9, 2024 Time: 6:30

Lot 108

7418 Secret Woods Dr.


  1. Certify Quorum
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes
  4. ARC Report:
  5. Financials
    1. Report: Linda
    2. Emergency Repair at pool completed: $1,000


  1. Old Business:
    1. Digital Form for ARC Requests: Laurie
    2. Pond(s) Update: Dan
    3. Ordered New Windscreens at the Tennis Court: Laurie
    4. Repair Estimates for pool edge and decking: Kim
    5. Neighborhood Yard Sale: Choose Date
    6. Neighborhood Clean-up: Discussion about neighbors’ vs hiring out


  1. New Business:
  1. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Skip


  1. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
  2. Three letters sent to neighbors: Laurie
  3. Items from Board Members & Guests:


  1. Next Meeting

Date:               Monday October 14, 2024

Via Zoom

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