A big thanks goes to Beth Raney for all her help in the coordinating the resurfacing of the Secret Woods tennis court. Read all the neighborhood news in the March board minutes.
Minutes of Secret Woods Homeowners Association Meeting
Date: March 12, 2013
Board Members Present: David Theus, Ross Thompson, Mark Wnuk, Dan Flynn, and Mark Lemmenes.
Order of Business:
Quorum certified and meeting called to order
Financial reports were not read and will be read and approved at the April meeting for February and March.
Old Business:
Tennis court resurfacing is complete. A big Thanks to Beth Raney for all her help in the coordination of completing this project. Thank you.
Lights at the pool: Certain security lights on the pool house and at the entrance run off of bulbs that require a ballast. By removing the ballast it is possible to operate halogen bulbs. Determination of which lights and who can complete the work is needed. This has been delayed to get the correct people involved. (Ross)
A meeting room has been secured at Southpoint Baptist church for Monday, May 13th, from 6-9PM for the HOA annual meeting. (David) Refreshments will be served. (Drinks – Mark W. & Snacks – Dan)
Two positions on the board will be up for renewal at the annual board meeting.
Volunteers are needed as board members.
The annual dues notice letter was mailed with a proxy for the annual meeting on May 13th.
Please mail in your HOA annual dues and include your proxy if you are not able to attend the annual meeting in person.
A date for the Community social has been established; April 27th. This will be a chance to see the new pool surface and the new tennis court. The infamous Secret woods Chili Cook off will also take place at the event with prizes. Details will be posted as we get closer to the event. (Prizes & Sign-up sheet – David, Supplies – Ross & Dan, Music – ?)