Yet Another Pond Fountain Motor Ordered

A second new pond motor with aeriation has been ordered for the Secret Woods Dr. fountain after the first one failed out of the box.  The original motor burnt out due to fishing line getting tangled in it.

There is also quite a bit of other neighborhood news and updates. You’ll find all of it in the August board minutes.

Secret Woods Homeowner’s Association

Board Meeting-Monday, August 12, 2024 Time: 6:30

Online Meeting via Zoom

1. Certify Quorum: certified. Linda, Sandy, Kim, Rebecca, Laurie, Skip, and Carty
2. Call to Order: 6:34 p.m.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
4. ARC Report: Roof repair approved. New digital form is working well.
5. Financials
A. Report: Linda. $4556 in checking, $55, 504 in savings, and $33, 058 in CDs. Two CDs are
coming due soon. One on August 30 which is $11,004 and the other September 12 for
$10, 922. Motion approved to rollover the August 30 CD. Linda will check rates and the
September 12 CD rollover will be revisited.
B. Bob’s Backflow Testing completed – $45.00 (invoice submitted for payment)
C. Electric Work at Rear Entrance completed: Linda. Current Electric has completed all of
the work at the rear entrance. The lights look nice! The price was $2228 less than the
estimate. Thank to all who worked on this project!
6. Old Business:
A. Digital Form for ARC Requests: Skip/Laurie. No new requests. The form is working well.
B. Pond #2 Fountain: Dan. Fishing line was wrapped around the propeller motor;
therefore, the motor burned out. Dan ordered a new motor, and it did not work.
Another motor that runs the fountain and provides aeration has been ordered. The
expenses were previously approved.
Pond #1: There are problems with it shutting down. Dan has been troubleshooting. This
fountain may need to be replaced as well. The breaker next to the pond has been
C. Estimate for New Windscreens at the Tennis Court: Discussion about postponing this
project; however, prices are going up. Motion approved to replace windscreens for
$2579. This includes removal and haul away of the old screens.
D. Neighborhood Yard Sale: Tabled until the September meeting.
E. Cameras at entrances to record license plates: Pros and cons were discussed. The
board decided not to pursue at this time.
6. New Business:
A. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Skip. Lot 83 was approved for a roof repair. Lot 32
needed the website password.

B. Repair Edge along pool: Kim to get quotes to repair the cracked decking and the edge.
C. Neighborhood Clean-up: Discussed. Some concerns about liability. Will revisit at a
future meeting.
D. In-person meeting 1-2Xs per year: September 9 at Kim’s house
7. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
A. 1 Lot to monitor: Laurie. Discussion of trash being left on front porch for extended
periods of time at lot 109. They will receive a letter from the board and then the
attorney if the problem is not corrected. Discussion about kayaks that are visible above
a fence. Homeowner to be notified.
B. Non-residents accessing pool/tennis facilities: note from resident. Non-residents
should be accompanied by a homeowner when using the pool and tennis court facilities.
Quotes for rekeying will be presented at a future meeting.
C. Items from Board Members & Guests: Discussion about who to contact for a fence that
separates the Secret Woods property from the creek. Near the cell tower area. It is a
metal fence that is damaged from a fallen tree. Possibly contact the city.
Cell tower: The limbs have come in and are being installed.
Cut limbs: Ticket number 240812-002347 is a request to remove debris around the
outside of the neighborhood. There have been limbs cut and tree work done, but the
board is unsure about who has completed the work. Possibly a neighbor? Discussion
about having a bi-annual neighborhood clean-up day. Kim can get a dumpster for the
clean-up day.

8. Next Meeting.
Date: Monday, September 9, 2024
Lot 108, 7418 SWD

9. Adjournment: 7: 40 p.m.

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