Neighborhood News
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004
We need a new board member
Current board Vice President Harold Humphries will soon be moving which will
create a vacancy on the homeowners' association board. Anyone who is
interested in joining the board can call Board President Sallie Wnuk or Board
Secretary Bill Bortzfield. Their phone numbers are available in the resident
directory. Residents can also enquire by e-mail.
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004
New street light installed
JEA has installed a new street light on Secret Woods Drive at the
pond. It replaces the one that was knocked down by a motorist in January.
Area home prices show steady increases
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2004
It looks as though Secret Woods is about to join the $200,000+ club. Home
prices showed a steady climb once again in 2003. Currently one home in the
neighborhood is listed for $219,000. Below is a list of selling prices of
all homes that changed hands in Secret Woods in 2003. Secret Cove is also
included for comparison purposes. The selling prices were provided by Buyers
& Sellers Real Estate.
Read the January board minutes by clicking
gushes down neighborhood street
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2003
Water could be
seen gushing down Secret Woods Drive earlier this month.
It originated from the water valve in front of the
neighborhood's recreation center. To get all the details
read this month's board
meeting minutes.
Did you know Secret Woods sponsors our local Cub Scout pack's Web site?
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2003
Several Secret Woods families are active in Pack 318 of the
Cub Scouts. The pack meets Tuesday night's at 6:30 p.m. at
Greenfield Elementary School. If you would like to learn
more about Pack 318 visit their Web site by clicking
Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2003
New neighborhood signs may be on the way
Looking into no fishing/no swimming signs for the
neighborhood ponds was just one of the issues discussed at
Monday night's board meeting. Click
here for all the details.
Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003
2003 Neighborhood Homeowner's meeting
Secret Woods
homeowners and residents gathered at the Southpoint
Baptist Church on Monday night, Sept. 23 for the annual Secret
Woods Homeowners Association meeting. Sallie Wnuk was
elected as the neighborhood's new board president. Harold
Humphries is the new vice-president. Tom Bozak is the new
treasurer. Carol Bozak also joins the board following Jim
Cowling's resignation. Bill Bortzfield continues as
secretary. Horst Pophal and Byron DeLong continue as board members.
To read a complete report on this year's meeting and see
additional photos click
Read the December neighborhood print newsletter by
Note: You must have a CURRENT browser to display the
newsletter. The document may be slow to load because of the conversion
process. Some browsers (especially older versions of Netscape) may not be able to
convert the document.