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  2003 annual homeowners meeting minutes
September 23, 2003

The Secret Woods 2003 annual homeowners meeting was called to order  by Board President Joe Miller at the Southpoint Baptist Church at 7:08 pm.  Secret Woods resident Mark Lemmenes gave the blessing. Joe then asked all residents to introduce themselves.  Marianne Pophal brought along the neighborhood photo scrapbook (to see the online version click here).

The following board members attended: Joe Miller, Bill Bortzfield,  Byron DeLong, Jim Cowling, Joe Miller,  Tom Bozak, Horst Pophal and  Sallie Wnuk. 

The 2002 annual homeowners meeting minutes were approved as read.  An accounting report by new board treasurer Tom Bozak was then handed out to everyone.  Joe thanked Mark Wnuk for his 5-years of service as the outgoing neighborhood treasurer.

Archived minutes

September 8, 2003

August 11, 2003

July 14, 2003

May 12, 2003

April 14, 2003

March 10, 2003

February 3, 2003 minutes

  January 13, 2003 minute 

November 04, 2002 minutes

Tom then delivered the treasurer's report noting that the neighborhood has two means of income: interest and the annual dues.  For the period of May 2002 to April 30, 2003 he reported Secret Woods collected $28,944 in dues.  Tom pointed out that State Farm has doubled the neighborhood's  annual insurance premium to $3,075.  He also broke down the report by each major expenditure, noting the pool was the neighborhood's  biggest expense, requiring $4,200 in repairs. 

Tom said before tonight's meeting there were still  31 outstanding dues.  Tom added 8 or 9 people paid up just before the start of  tonight's meeting.

Harold Humphries asked what was being done to collect last year's dues.  Tom said 14 homeowners had not paid.  He reported past dues letters were sent out again and that all but three have now paid.  Tom also said that the board is continuing to attempt to collect the last of the stragglers.  

Carol Bozak also said that the association letter does mention that a lien can be placed against homes of unpaid homeowners. 

Joe suggested increasing the home association initiation fee from $100 to $500 but received no motion to do so.

Sallie pointed out that it was good the neighborhood had a reserve fund given the pool repairs that were needed this summer.

Joe then asked Sallie for a pool report.  Sallie said there had been a series of leaks in addition to an algae problem.  The cool decking had to be torn up to make the repairs.  The affected decking was cemented over.  Sallie said new cool decking will need to be applied in the off season.  Joe pointed out that pool keys were also replaced.   The new keys can not be duplicated.  

Joe said people are still occasionally climbing the fence. Resident  Ken Peterson noted the danger of having deadbolts on the pool bathroom doors.  He offered to take out the lock pins, which the board accepted. 

Joe then asked previous board presidents and members to stand up and be recognized.  Joe also recognized board members that have served during his tenure.

Joe noted that some of the improvements over the past several years include lights at the mailbox, two fountains, a new pool roof, new pool cool decking, new chairs and lounges, umbrellas, bathroom remodeling, a neighborhood Web site, plus the signs at the entrances to the neighborhood have been refurbished. 

Sallie then drew names for door prizes.  Our neighborhood Publix provided 17 five-dollar gift certificates.  Joe thanked Carol Bozak for putting together the food at tonight's meeting.  He also thanked Schwan's Fine Foods  for providing the meatballs and chicken wings. 

Joe then brought up the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville's Gingerbread House Extravaganza fund raiser.  He said about $100,000 had been raised so far.  It will open November 29.  

The following lot numbers were recorded as present at the annual meeting:
67, 117, 44 115, 46, 69, 49, 24, 64, 7, 98, 114, 85, 42, 82, 78, 8, 102, 101, 1, 65, 33, 72, 96, 57, 10, 123, 83, 116, 37, 120 12, 75, 41, 74, 43 67, 88, 26
The following lot numbers were recorded as submitting proxies at the annual meeting:
103, 64, 4, 89, 39, 56, 31, 16, 107, 35, 29, 68, 34, 84, 13, 91, 79, 100, 90, 60, 70, 38, 30, 52

Joe then opened the floor for nominations for the Secret Woods board of directors.  Marianne Popal nominated Carol Bozak to the board.  Bonnie Cowling  nominated Harold Humphries to the board. Bill Bortzfield and Sallie Wnuk were also nominated.  Because there were more nominees than positions a vote was then taken.  

Harold Humphries was elected to three-year term.  Bill Bortzfield was elected to a three-year term and Sallie Wnuk was elected to a one-year term.  Terms are based on the number of votes received.

Harold then made a motion that there be an audit of records, though he stressed he didn't think anything was wrong.  Harold said he felt audits can lead to improvements.  He  asked that $1,500 be spent to conduct the audit and that homeowners be given a summary report by December 30th.  Resident Tracy Winfree pointed out that an audit would consume a significant percentage of the neighborhood's annual budget and said he would rather see that money go toward additional insurance coverage.

The motion to conduct the audit, assuming it could be done for $1,500 or less, was passed by a majority of the homeowners in attendance.

Marianne Pophal asked that the sprinkler system at the front of the neighborhood be fixed.  Joe noted we haven't used any irrigation water for about five years.  In the end it was agreed not to spend any money to fix the sprinklers.

Ken Peterson asked that no fishing signs be posted at the neighborhood ponds. Joe said he was against the idea.  Ken also asked that the board minutes be posted at the mailbox, which Sallie said could be done.

Joe then adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Following the adjournment the new Secret Woods board met.  At that meeting Jim Cowling announced his resignation.  Since Carol Bozak had been nominated for a board position earlier in the evening the board voted to appoint her to fill the remainder of Jim's term.  Carol accepted.  The board then appointed Sallie as president, Harold as vice-president, Tom as treasurer and Bill as secretary.  The other board members are Horst Pophal and Byron DeLong. 

The board then agreed to make a donation of $200 to Southpoint Baptist Church for hosting the Secret Woods homeowner's meeting. 

Next Tom suggested that the neighborhood's checking account be switched from a personal account to a business account.  The board agreed.

The next board meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 6 at 6:30pm at the Belford Road YMCA.

Submitted by Board Member Bill Bortzfield on 09/27/03.


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