Board meeting minutes - January 10, 2005
Archived minutes
13, 2004
8, 2004
11, 2004
13, 2004
9, 2004
12, 2004
Homeowners Meeting, June 14, 2004
10, 2004
12, 2004
8, 2004
16, 2004
12, 2004
8, 2003
3, 2003
6, 2003
23, 2003 Annual Homeowners Meeting
8, 2003
11, 2003
14, 2003
12, 2003
14, 2003
10, 2003
3, 2003 minutes
13, 2003 minute
04, 2002 minutes
19, 2002 minutes
Annual homeowners meeting
Annual homeowners meeting
The Secret Woods January 10, 2005 Homeowner's Association Board Meeting was called to order by
Board President Sallie Wnuk at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room of the Skinner Branch YMCA.
The following members attended: Valerie Redmond, Bill Bortzfield, Horst Pophal, Sallie Wnuk and Wayne Williams. Residents Byron DeLong and Mary Loving also attended.
Sallie opened the meeting by asking Bill to read the December minutes. The minutes were approved as amended. Valerie noted that the time deposit mentioned in the December minutes will automatically rollover.
Valerie then gave the treasurer's report. The neighborhood had a balance of $21,453.96 as of December 31, 2004.
She also noted that Professional Landscaping is going out of business and that the neighborhood will need to secure a replacement. Sallie said she would take care of getting bids.
Valerie also received an annual report notice from the State of Florida. She will go online to fill it out for the association.
Sallie reported that Progressive Insurance has given the neighborhood a check for $1,500 to fix the rear entrance brick work that was damaged. If the report cost runs more than $1,500 then Progressive will cut another check. Sallie will now get a hold of Doug’s Masonry to set an appointment.
Work will begin as soon as an appointment can be secured.
Mary suggested that Progressive should also pay for replacing the landscaping at the back entrance.
Sallie then reported that Mark Lemmenes has expressed interest in joining the board.
Sallie noted that JEA still has not responded to requests that trees damaged during last year’s hurricanes be removed from power lines. So Sallie will contact a Cut Above to do the job. The board approved moving forward.
Mary suggested doing something for the scouts at Pack 318 and Troop 159 that helped put together the holiday luminaries. Bill agreed to make up Secret Woods certificates of appreciation that would be presented to each scout that took part.
The subject of infractions came up. It was noted that several neighbors are in violation of the covenants in regards to yard, deck and fence maintenance.
Horst agreed to draft a letter to be placed at the board reminding homeowners that their properties must be well-maintained. If no action is taken the next step would be infraction letters.
Attention then turned to new business. Horst noted that as the neighborhood as aged it has required more
of the board members time, which is a all-volunteer organization. Horst proposed the board start paying the president $300 and the treasurer $200 a month. Valerie suggested if the idea was advanced the board secretary should also become a paid position.
Bill said he doubted such a proposal would pass and no further action was taken. Sallie commented that hiring a management company would also be an option to deal with the growing workload and suggested the idea could be raised at the annual meeting if there was enough interest.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM
The next meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2005
Submitted by Bill Bortzfield on 1/10/05.